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As you might be aware of, Joomla has released a new version of its popular content management software – this dynamic portal engine has been finally advanced to Joomla 1.6, on January 11th 2011. From the official Joomla 1.6 release announcement the company has unveiled the range of new functions and features the new version delivers to designers, developers, admins …
Drupal templates starting from #32668 are compatible with Drupal 7
Drupal 7 features:
Today we’ve added new feature to WordPress templates preview pages. Now you can see WordPress Widgets Positions template screenshot displaying possible widget positions.
All WordPress templates starting from #28310 will have a dropdown menu included.
January 10 2011 is a new day in Joomla! History. Joomla 1.6 has arrived. New version, new features, more functionality and flexibility. Our team is moving in step with progress so new Joomla 1.6 templates are available.
Starting from template #30965 all Joomla template has enhanced drop-down menu based on the Superfish Dropdown Menu module included. The module installation package can be found in the template sources directory.
Sorry, this entry is only available in Russian.…
This tutorial shows how to edit text properties and style using the Joomla WYSIWYG editor. The Joomla editor is used to format text in Joomla (articles, K2 items, categories description etc).
The editor can be enabled in Joomla administration panel > Global Configuration. In the Site settings block use the Default editor select box to select the WYSIWYG editor or …
This tutorial will show you how to install Joomla 1.5 template.
Before you proceed please make sure you downloaded the template and extracted the files (Windows, MAC) from the template package.
Install through admin panel
This tutorial show how to install Joomla 1.5 engine to your hosting server.
DownloadingThe Joomla engine can be downloaded from the official website at http://www.joomla.org/download.html. When the downloading is complete you should extract the files from the .zip archive. If you are not familiar with extracting procedure please check this tutorial.
UploadingThe next step would be to upload …
Joomla! CMS is a free, open source and one of the most popular content management systems (CMS) of nowadays for managing a websites' content through a simple and functional interface - you need no coding skills. Joomla template is a design for this CMS. No one wants to manage all of their content changes and additions from the source code. CMS saves your time, effort and a lot of money, which makes it a very good investment. And the Joomla! CMS platform is a great variant due to its convenience and functionality.
Q: I’m getting the following message:
Could not write avatar file to local storage. Please contact the board administrator with this message
Line : 177
File : usercp_avatar.php
A: You have to set the correct permissions (777) for these folders:
/images/avatars/tmp – you should create “ tmp” folder to …
This tutorial only applies to templates with the “Welcome” region. If your Drupal 6 template doesn’t have such region. You may follow the video “How to stick an article to the top of the front-page” to achieve similar result.
Creating your block
1. Login as administrator.
2. Open “Administer -> Site Building -> Blocks”.
3. Click “Add block” at the …
This tutorial shows how to modify the basic colors in Joomla template.
A widget is something that you might want on your sidebar, such as a “Category” list or the “Most Recent Comments”, or a link to your admin pages. Widgets are named as such because they allow you to move things (blocks) around, in and out of your sidebar.
The main advantage to using widgets is that you don’t need …
This tutorial shows how to create contact form in Drupal.
First of all you need to be logged in to Drupal as administrator. Use the login form to log in.
Using the navigation menu go to Administer > Site Building > Modules. Make sure the contact module is enabled.
If the module is enabled you should see the Contact Us …
get_links_list() function has been changed to wp_list_bookmarks()
wp_list_bookmarks() is used for the links output from the bookmarks menu ( displays bookmarks found in the Bookmarks Management screen) and it’s not supported by the previous WP versions. Currently this function works only with Netscape and Mozilla but WP developers promise to make it cross-platform in the very near future.
If you …
This tutorial show how to change Drupal template color scheme.
Using the Firebug plugin or other browser developer tool you can investigate your page and check if your design uses plain CSS colors or complex background images.
Learn more about browser developer tools
In case your design is created using plain CSS colors you can open the CSS file from …
This tutorial shows how to add new menu button in Joomla. All changes will be done in Joomla admin panel so you don’t need any programming skills to do this.
First of all please open Joomla admin panel and go to Menus > your_menu (in the menus list you can see all available menus and you are free to add …
This tutorial shows how to edit text properties and style using the Joomla WYSIWYG editor. The Joomla editor is used to format text in Joomla (articles, K2 items, categories description etc).
The editor can be enabled in Joomla administration panel > Global Configuration. In the Site settings block use the Default editor select box to select the WYSIWYG editor or …
PHP-Nuke is a content management system (CMS) based on the scripting language PHP. The main advantage of PHP-Nuke is flexibility and simplicity in its use and configuration. It may be used even by those who are not familiar with programming. Standard PHP-Nuke packages include a forum, guestbook, newsletter, surveys, and more. It also contains a user-friendly admin interface. PHP-Nuke is …
This tutorial shows how to manage module positions in Joomla. Modules in Joomla are used to output some content in desired places (positions). Modules can display such objects as: menu, login form, polls, text block, newsletter subscribe form, banner, search field etc.
Let’s see how we can control the module position in Joomla.
First of all open Joomla admin panel …
Drupal is a PHP-based open source content management system (CMS) which is also considered a module framework. It enables its users create and organize website content, edit the layout, automate some administrative functions etc. Despite of a diverse interface all of the functions can be carried out with no programming skills. Some of the experts see Drupal as a "web application framework" due to its wide range of services and functions. Drupal CMS is considered today one of the most advanced content management systems available on the Internet providing its users with a set of capabilities for the most sophisticated website maintenance needs and requirements.
Free Responsive Drupal 7.22 Template V.2
Template ID: 45958
Engine Version: Drupal 7.22
Free Museum Drupal Template
Template ID: 53129
Engine Version: Drupal 7.34
This tutorial shows how to add new page in Drupal 6 and how to add link to the created page to the primary menu.
The job has to be done using the Drupal administration tools so you need to be logged in to Drupal. Use the log in form.
Adding New PageUsing the administrator menu go to the Create …
Starting from the template #30531 WordPress templates are compatible with WordPress 3.0
Drupal templates starting from #30278 are compatible Drupal 6.19
Drupal 6.19 release anouncement is available here. You can also check the release notes to see the updates
Drupal templates starting from #29476 are compatible with Drupal 6.17
Drupal 6.17, a maintenance release fixing issues reported through the bug tracking system, is now available for download. There are no security fixes in this release. Upgrading your existing Drupal 6 sites is recommended. For more information about the Drupal 6.x release series, consult the Drupal 6.0 release announcement.
Highlights …
All WordPress templates starting from #29400 are provided with the updates sample sub-pages and included dump.sql file
New sample pages allow you to see more WordPress features available and have few more page layouts available
The included dump.sql file will let you make your instaled template same as at the template preview in few clicks
Alright bloggers, web surfers and simple web enthusiasts, we’ve got some fascinating news for you all. Yes, Internet community can’t stop buzzing about the forthcoming release of the new version of #1 blogging software – WordPress 3.0.
Our team being the biggest provider of WordPress themes just couldn’t miss the chance to express its own vision of this great event …
Today we’re happy for WordPress team and community. And our team would like to congratulate WordPress key developers on their fresh release of WordPress version 2.9! The new version had over half a million downloads already! Want to know what’s so special about WP 2.9? A few of the headline features to be mentioned are global undo/trash, built-in image editor, …
"The Joomla Project is pleased to announce the immediate availability of Joomla 1.5.8 [Wohnaiki]. This release contains a number of bug fixes and two moderate-level security fixes. It has been around two months since Joomla 1.5.7 was released on September 9, 2008."
Joomla 1.5 templates from our team are fully compatible with Joomla 1.5.8
Check release notes
"The Joomla Project is pleased to announce the immediate availability of Joomla 1.5.7. This is a security release and contains a number of bug fixes, improvements as well as security fixes. It is strongly recommended that users immediately upgrade. "
Joomla 1.5 templates from our team are fully compatible with Joomla 1.5.7
Check release notes
"This is a quick turnaround security release to address a high level security issue and it is recommended all users upgrade immediately."
Joomla 1.5 templates from our team are fully compatible with Joomla 1.5.6
Check release notes
Joomla! Content Management System is uninterruptedly developing and we won’t stand aside. We’ve tested our templates and performed necessary updates. Now we can claim that our Joomla 1.5 templates are fully compatible with all subversions of Joomla 1.5 release
After having launched Joomla and Mambo CMS templates last fall we have noticed that even though these two product types are strikingly popular the audience still wants more. Therefore in response to this growing demand for various CMS products we have decided to be so kind and to launch a new CMS designs range which we have chosen to be …
We are proud to report that our WordPress 2.3 themes are fully compatible with WordPress 2.5 software.
Our technicians have tested our WordPress 2.2 templates and can claim that they are fully compatible with WordPress 2.3
All the Word Press templates starting from the #15327 are coded in a new CSS scheme.
This new style has less coding and is rather simple. Now there is no need to have a separate style sheet for IE which means one way of coding for all the browsers. From today, the templates have a better look in Adobe® Dreamweaver® …
We are proud to offer you the WordPress Themes that are compatible with the new features of WordPress 2.1!
WP 2.1 has added a bunch of useful functions that were not available in the previous versions (please, check http://codex.wordpress.org/Template_Tags for more detailed info). Now, there are even more tools for making a reliable and multifunctional BLOG.
For the reason …
Recently our team received several updates regarding compatibility issues with our WordPress 2.0.1 themes. We have taken these complaints seriously, so we tested all WordPress themes with each version of WordPress higher than 2.0.1 and preformed necessary updates. All of them are working perfectly with each version.
If you’re looking for a number one wordpress theme to build a website, …
September 25, 2006 all wordpress themes now support widgets. The coding was improved too – no tables!
On April 13, 2006 we started producing WordPress themes on regular basis. We add 5 new themes every week. Check out our collection!
In case you’re searching for a wordpress theme for corporate website to build a website from scratch, look through our premium themes.